Sep 15, 2016 | Art work, Design, Music, Screen printing, T shirts, Typography
It’s the end of the
sixth uchi album of T shirts. All but two of the designs on this as yet untitled album are music related. I am pleased that these last two designs follow the music theme, with a particular focus on vinyl.
There are a couple of new designs that were going to be included, but were not finished in time. On reflection it worked out fine. The two unfinished pieces are very illustrative and more like designs in the pipeline than the ones recently done. So, maybe the next album will be all illustration? We’ll see.
Here are the latest two uchi vinyl-related T shirts and the stories behind them…
Trojan and The Big Payback were influenced by our neighbours here in Bristol – Payback Records.
Founded in 1968, the British founded
Trojan Records has one of the most iconic and recognisable logos and a host of equally iconic and renowned artists under its belt.
From reggae, ska, rock steady and dub, its endurance is a testament to the music and culture. We haven’t included the complete list of all the artists that appeared under Trojan Records, but hope we’ve caught a few of everybody’s favourites.
For me, growing up in a house full of reggae records has made the Trojan logo as recognisable as the Nike swoosh, but with a ton of more meaning. It’s no coincidence that they also use a heavy robust and solid typeface like Rockwell Extra Bold.
Although a reggae specialist Payback Records have a great selection of non-reggae vinyl. Their HipHop section is featured on The Big Payback T shirt. Coincidentally, the record store is named after the 1989 EPMD track of the same name; perfect uchi. I was unaware of this connection before I added the type.
The Big Payback is one of my favourite EPMD tracks and is somewhere in the stack of old school vinyl in the image. In the shot, I’m actually standing in Payback Records.
Only thing left to do is name the album!
Jun 18, 2015 | Art work, Music
In the UK in the early 80’s, if you wanted to get your hands on the latest US HipHop and Soul club hits you’d usually have to pay US import prices. Then came the StreetSounds record label. They delighted many in the UK, hungry to get their hands on the latest vinyl, with their StreetSounds Electro compilation albums. Along with the StreetWave label, they licenced many popular US tracks producing over 23 compilations of full length version and mixes of the latest Electro and Hiphop mixes at UK prices!
Not only were the StreetSounds Electro compilations classic Hiphop albums, the album covers are also classic album covers. As a personal project we’ve created these Japanese versions of the first four StreetSounds Electro compilation album covers!
StreetSounds Electro Volume 1 – Japanese version

StreetSounds Electro 1 Japanese album cover
The Packman ザパックマン
West Street Mob <ウェストストリートモブ
G-Force G-フォース
Captain Rock キャプテン ロック
Newclues ニュークルーズ
K-9 Corp K-9 コープ
Project Future プロジェクト フューチャー
C- Bank C-バンク
StreetSounds Electro Volume 2 – Japanese version

StreetSounds Electro 2 Japanese album cover
エレクトロ 2
Grand Master Flash and Melle Mel グランドマスターフラッシュアンドメレメル
Hashim ハシム
The B Boys ザ B ボーイズ
Xena エグゼナ
Two Sisters ツー シスターズ
Rammellzee vs K-Rob ラメルジーとK-ロブ
StreetSounds Electro Volume 3 – Japanese version

StreetSounds Electro 3 Japanese album cover
エレクトロ 3
Divine sounds ディバイン サウンズ
Davy DMX ダヴィ DMX
Imperial Brothers インペリアル ブラザース
Newcleus ニュークルーズ
Boogie Boys ブギーボーイズ
Pumpkin パンプキン
Fresh 3 M.C’s フレッシュ3MCs
StreetSounds Electro Volume 4 – Japanese version

StreetSounds Electro 4 Japanese album cover
エレクトロ 4
Herbie Hancock ハービーハンコック
Pumpkin and the profile all stars パンプキンアンドプロファイルオールスターズ
Radio Active ラディオアクティブ
Run – D.M.C. ランDMC
Key – Matic キーマティック
Cybotron サイボトロン